Tour de force

Project Name
Tour de force
Year of completion
More of a downsizing project, our couple-client wanted a new home that is comparatively smaller than their previous home, easy to maintain, sleek and modern. The other important requirement is that no curtain will be used, hence the resort-like adjustable shutter louvre doors. These are also intentionally proposed to be able to block out the rays from the setting sun beyond the golf course that the unit faces. Given the height of the ceiling at the Living Area, we went with a carefully selected grey marble in honed finish with bevel edges at the joints to give depth. The arch mirrors are designed to show reflections in a posh grey tone whilst hiding the columns. The kitchen is beautifully designed to look as if it's slotted perfectly into that cul-de-sac space. The choice of one wall being empty of cabinets and replaced with a mirror in grey tone lifts the kitchen's classiness. The overhang peninsular serves as a conversational piece where family members can stand or sit for a quick breakfast. The carefully curated ceiling feature aims to subtly divide the left and right areas whilst highlighting the path to the bedrooms.